I started up a small personal project, named Zikto Lab.


Wearable devices can be easily found these days. (Fitbit, Samsung Gear, Apple Watch, Jawbone UP, Misfit). Traditionally, devices were tracking basic user activities, such as step counts, sleeping pattern and more. Then companies are slowly developing more sophisticated products to capture advanced metrics such as walking posture detection or recognising repetitive fitness exercise to provide more insightful information back to users.

In order to develop advanced motion recognition algorithm, relevant data sampling is a prior. Currently, there is no platform smartly sampling these data, aggregate and arrange in a form that can be easily consumed by researchers especially, for those in organisation cannot afford insourcing tool development. (Zikto has actually received few love calls from universities and research groups for collaboration).

The goal of this project is to develop a web platform that can communicate devices that supports BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy, or Bluetooth 4.0) to collect data (from accelerometer and gyroscope). Ultimately this platform will provide a foundation so that researchers/developers can focus on algorithm/business logic with few or no efforts on concerning data-sampling environments.

Project Overview

Zikto Lab is a BLE solution built in NodeJS, to sample datas from devices (BLE Peripherals).

The project consists of:

  • a Raspberry Pi (effectively a role of BLE beacon) running both as a BLE central (client role) and NodeJS application
  • a Zikto-Walk with customised firmware
    (or possibly any kind of wearable device or evaluation kit that includes an IMU sensor and a BLE peripheral module)

The dashboard console will be implemented as a stand-alone NodeJS Web Application. For the BLE central, I used a nodeJS module called Noble, developed by sandeepmistry.

I also customised an embedded firmware inside my company’s product Zikto-Walk.

Block Diagra(Prediction)


NodeJS part will be available on public ziktoLab repository on my github page, however the customised firmware will not be available yet.

For more inquiries, please email dropyourcoffee@gmail.com.

Special Thanks

I give huge thanks to my CEO, Ted Kim, who happily supported allowance for intellectual properties of Zikto-Walk on this project.

Update on 2017-12-13

Uploaded milestone 1 and demo. See Post